PADI Drift Diver
PADI Drift Diver
2 Day to Complete
During your course, you’ll start with an in depth classroom presentation with your dedicated Instructor, followed by a buoyancy workshop in the pool, and two open water training dives. We’ll look at the planning, organisation, potential problems, and the hazards of drift diving.
You will plan and prepare the special equipment needed for drift diving such as floats, lines, and reels. You will learn how to effectively navigate and communicate underwater, and more about buoyancy control.
During the knowledge development, you will understand how to select sites for drift diving, and how to assess aquatic currents and their causes and effects. Staying together with your buddy or dive group is essential, so we’ll look at techniques for that as well. Combined with the PADI Drift Diver Manual, this course provides you with all the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and execute a safe drift dive and to experience the thrill of diving with a current.
Don’t forget, the first dive of this Specialty Course counts towards your PADI Adventure and Advanced Open Water Certification! The full Specialty Course counts towards the elite PADI Master Scuba Diver rating!
Open Water Diver Certified
At least 10 years old
Logged dive within 12 months (ReActivate available)
Use less effort and energy underwater
Understand more about tides and ocean currents
Cover a larger area underwater
Identify and prepare all the equipment needed to drift dive
Better control your position and buoyancy underwater
Sharpen and extend your communication skills with your buddy